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- TF01
- 3,The Hunter - Part 3
- 4,by Stuart Mackaness
- The Vanguard Chronicles - "The Hunter"
- ----------------------------------------
- by Stuart Mackaness
- ---------------------
- Warner forced his way through the crowed of security and engineering
- crews in the corridor outside medical. The burn marks in the corridor
- leading to sickbay had grown more and more severe until now he was
- faced with most of the corridor being blackend and twisted. He felt a
- strange hollow sensation fill his body. The Vanguard had taken knocks
- in her time, but nothing like this. Death hung like an apparition
- over his ship, he only hoped that it would be satisfied with the
- lives already taken. Flames were still visible furher down the
- corridor but forcefields projected by the engineers seemed to be
- containing them. He could make out the partialy disintegrated doors
- to medical lying askew either side of the entrance. Presumably they
- had to phaser the doors open. As Warner stepped inside, the
- temperature rose by a few degrees. The room was completely destroyed,
- several bodies lay in a semi-charred state on the scarred deck. One
- was an Andorian with a shrapnel wound, another was a Human nurse with
- a badly broken arm. The body bags they were placed in and the writing
- on the padd attached meant that they had asphyxiated before the doors
- to medical could be opened. Warner only hoped that Li hadn't met the
- same fate. He was slightly relieved when he saw the doctor very much
- alive, instructing two medical technicians on how to heal his leg.
- "Pass the bone regenerator over the lower portion of the fibula." he
- ordered. The nearest technician grabbed the device and began rythmic
- passes of the location specified by Levitt.
- Li looked up. "Ah Jonathan, I was just on my way to tell you that
- most of the light casualties can now return to duty. I would normally
- ask them to stay for observation but..." he indicated to the skeletal
- traces of his workplace.
- "How's Captain Chenery?"
- "He's dead, Jon." Li replied.
- "I wanted to thank him, his sacrifice saved us all." Warner
- explained.
- "Aparently it was some kind of navigational error." Li replied.
- "Oh. So it wasn't intentional. I thought we had all misjudged
- Chenery."
- "Maybe we all had. He was the last person to beam off."
- "We were the one's doing the beaming, he had no choice when he was
- beamed."
- "Aparently he took off his communicator and gave it to a wounded
- civilian. Then he told him to find as many survivors as possible on
- the deck and to hit the communicator three times. It activated the
- bridge transporter and beamed the families over to us."
- "How do you know all this?" Warner asked amazed.
- Li gave him a knowing look. "People talk to their doctor."
- Taking in the latest turn of events, Warner looked around the
- weckage.
- "It was a living hell in here." Li said, putting a friendly arm on
- Warner's shoulder.
- Warner nodded sympathetically. "I bet you were in your element
- Doctor."
- "That's not funny, my past is my own business." Li snapped.
- "Take it easy Li, I was just trying to-"
- "Well don't!" Levitt cut in.
- Deciding that a tactful withdrawal was in order, Warner moved off to
- a nearby Jefferies tube. With the turboshafts damaged on this deck,
- he had to get to the deck below via the narrow artery which ran
- between and along the ships decks in order to allow maintanance crews
- to get to secluded areas of the ship. They weren't designed to allow
- half a dozen crewmembers to make their way to a deck at the same time
- as another four tried to go in the opposite direction in the two and
- a half foot wide tunnel. This was the situation which Warner faced as
- he entered the access tube.
- "What's going on?" he demanded.
- A gaunt Selelvian looked at him sharply and then realised who he was.
- "Captain Warner!" he said in a loud voice. All the other crew members
- turned to face their superior officer.
- "What's the problem ensign?" Warner inquired.
- The Selelvian looked at him slightly sheepishly. "We were trying to
- get this equipment to the damaged area underneath sickbay, the damage
- had weakened the support struts down there and the area is partially
- unsafe."
- Warner looked at the dozen bulky pieces of equipment that the group
- were carrying. "Why not use the transporter?" he asked.
- "The power systems are off line sir, including transporter power." A
- junior grade lieutenant reminded him.
- "Of course." Warner replied. He tapped his communicator. "Warner to
- Gart." He called.
- "Gart here sir." Came the .
- "How's it going, Chief?" He asked.
- There was a momentary silence as Gart presumably received an update.
- "Great sir," he said his voice going to a more cheerful (for a
- Tellarite) tone, "Primary power will be restored in under three
- hours."
- "Can you restore power to the transporters?" Warner queried.
- There was a faint bleep. "You now have full power to the transporters
- and replicators." Gart announced.
- "I didn't ask for the replicators to be put back on full power."
- Warner said puzzled.
- "Do you want to be on TKL's for the next few hours?" Gart retorted.
- The thought of the half-edible standard rations sent a shiver down
- Warner's spine. "Excellent work, Chief, there'll be commendations
- all round if we make it through the next twenty four hours." Warner
- smiled.
- "Aye, sir." Gart said slowly.
- "What is it? " Warner asked, sensing the unspoken question on Gart's
- lips.
- "D'you think there might be a promotion in the offering?" Gart
- inquired.
- "Don't push it, Chief!" Warner chuckled. Tellarites were an
- argumentative bunch, Gart was trying to draw him into a heated
- discussion for enjoyment, now was not the time for it.
- "Warner out." He signed off.
- He suddenly felt selfconcious of the fact that he was blocking the
- entrance to the Jefferies tube, behind him was the beginning of a
- queue, he could see Lieutenant Dean just joining the end. He turned
- back to the gaggle of junior officers which were still trying to get
- their equipment to the deck below.
- "You need to get to the deck below?" He asked.
- There was a collective nodding of heads, except for the Eutronian
- technician who rolled his shoulders in the equivalent gesture for his
- culture.
- Warner slapped his badge again. "Captain Warner to transporter room
- two." he called.
- "Transporter room here sir, Ensign Briggs on duty." came the
- response.
- "Lock onto the group of officers in Jefferies tube..." he paused to
- read the label on the entrance, "Nine G. Beam them to deck ten."
- "Locked on." Briggs acknowledged.
- "Energise." Warner commanded with a cocking of his head.
- The Selelvian smiled at him and spoke. "Thank you s-"
- The group dematerialised. The tube clear, Warner began the arduous
- climb to the bridge on deck one.
- Warner arrived just in time to see Dean hand Hermandez a report.
- Warner intercepted the padd exchange and read it over.
- "Just a damage report update sir." Hermandez said quickly.
- Warner arched his eyebrow in a Vulcan-eque style. "I didn't doubt it
- was."
- Hermandez realised her mistake and busied herself with tapping in
- something on her panal.
- Warner read through the report and was surprised to see an addition
- on the readout. He looked up sharply at Dean.
- "This report is very organised Mr. Dean, well done." He gave the padd
- back to the nervous helmsman. As he turned to leave, Warner called
- out to him. "Oh, the message was a nice touch, I would be glad to
- join you for dinner in the galley."
- Dean stood there looking confused for a moment and then decided to
- believe his superior officer had misinterpreted the intended receiver
- of the message. Hermandez looked at him, smiled briefly and then
- pointed at his station. Dean instantly understood what she meant and
- casually made his way back to the conn. Warner had also seen this
- exchange of smiles and gestures and briskly made his way to the conn
- just ahead of Dean.
- "Very kind of you Mr. Dean." Warner continued. "I would be glad to
- share a meal with you." he looked at the data collection screen on
- the conn, "And so would Lieutenant Hermandez!" he said in false
- surprise. "Won't that be cosy Mr. Dean?!". He smiled broadly at them
- both.
- They obviously didn't share this sentiment as the look of pure terror
- on Dean's face and the paralysed smile on Hermandez's made it quite
- clear what their true feelings were. Warner blanked them both and,
- still smiling, sat down in the command chair.
- "Engineering." He called into his communication channel he had opened
- on his armrest.
- "Ensign Meltzer here."
- "How long until I can have my ship back?" Warner asked.
- "Chief Gart has cut the time down to fourty-five minutes. Apparently
- the molten power couplings weren't as molten as he thought." Meltzer
- replied.
- "Excellent, tell him I'm looking into that request of his." Warner
- said.
- "Aye sir, out." Meltzer cut the channel.
- Smiling to himself, Warner leaned back in his chair and wondered what
- he was going to pick for dinner.
- * * *
- Captains Log: Stardate 47345.8
- With repairs to the Vanguard's propulsion systems now complete, We
- are now enroute to Deep Space Nine. After the destruction of Starbase
- Jarened and the Cardassian warship Falen, Starfleet has thought it
- wise to station a starship near one of our key points in the
- Quadrant. We will be in a position to intercept the enemy, codenamed
- Hunter by Starfleet, once it inevitably leaves Cardassian space.
- Warner switched his desk computer off and swivled his chair to face
- the large painting he had on his wall. The painting was by a famous
- Terran artist from the mid-twenty first century. The bold lines and
- three-dimensional holograms imposed onto it gave it a sense of age
- not found in the art of today. In some respects the art in the twenty
- first century had more feeling to it than that of the twenty fourth
- century. Maybe it was the turmoil of emotions with the third world
- war going on which inspired Brown to paint the picture. Warner didn't
- know. He preferred his century to Brown's, maybe he just liked to
- think that he was relatively safe with the Cardassians, Romulans,
- M'Dok and Kreel trying to destroy him. At least it wasn't Humans
- trying to commite global genocide with the result of over six million
- deaths. That was really scary, they had been so close to the end. It
- almost made him wish he were Deltan, they finished with civil wars
- before they developed simple projectile weapons.
- Warner was interrupted from his meditations by his door chime.
- "Come." He called.
- The doors parted to admit Dean into his quaters. "Ready sir?" he
- asked.
- Warner turned and realised he was wearing his bed clothes. "Thank you
- Lieutenant but I feel quite tired, you go on ahead with Macha and
- enjoy yourself."
- Dean gave a genuine smile and turned to leave. Warner stopped him.
- "Lieutenant," he called," if I ever catch you using your time on the
- bridge to set up a date again..."
- "Sorry sir." Dean apologised.
- "Get out of my sight Lieutenant." Warner smiled.
- * * *
- Gul Ocett continued typing words into her hand held data padd for
- another three minutes after her subordinate Murvek entered the
- office. He stood there, hands clasped firmly behind his back while
- she typed. After the three minutes, Ocett continued to read her
- notes but her body language conceeded that she was aware he had even
- entered.
- "Gul?" Murvek said hesitantly.
- Ocett, still looking down at her work, finally spoke. "What is it
- Murvek?"
- "The second order reports that the Devat Balor - the hunter - is on
- its way here." he replied.
- "And?" Ocett prompted.
- "And we have been ordered to pursue." Murvek finished.
- Ocett looked up. "The hunter destroyed the Falen, did it not."
- Murvek checked his data padd. "Yes Gul."
- "The Central Command will be indebted to whoever destroys this menace
- to our space." Ocett muttered to herself.
- "Yes Gul, they would." Murvek replied.
- "With the backing of the Central Command, my papers on the hologram
- on Vilmor II will be published intact. Who knows what the Central
- Command's censor will do to it." Ocett thought out loud.
- "Vilmor II?" Murvek said puzzled.
- Ocett suddenly remembered the other incident linked to the origin of
- life she was witness to on Vilmor II. "Never mind, it's not
- important."
- "Oh I remember, the Rahm-Izad incident!" Murvek recalled. A slight
- smile played across his reptilian lips. "The time the Federation
- fooled you into thinking the answer lay in the Rahm-Izad system when
- it was really parsecs away -"
- "Get to your post!" Ocett hissed. If Cardassians could blush
- noticably, Murvek would have seen her turn bright green in
- embarassment. It was the one stain on her career. She knew her crew
- spoke about it behind her back. She had almost killed herself from
- the embarasment. Still no matter, once she hunted down the 'hunter'
- she would be hailed an even greater sucess. Even though she had a
- type three Galor class warship, she still envied her father's
- commision - a Liburnium class battle cruiser, the finest in the
- fleet. They were a year old, but due to military cut-backs only eight
- had been built. One of them, the Fatal Arrow, had been lost at Megara
- in the Persius sector. Its commanding officer, Gul Verdun, had
- deserved to die. He was a fool who was entrusted with Cardassian
- property far above anything he could handle. Perhaps she would be
- rewarded with a Liburnium if she destroyed the hunter. With this in
- mind, Ocett switched her data padd off and stepped out of her office
- and onto the Sacatur's bridge. Now she would show them who was the
- Gul on this ship.
- "Navigation, set course three-two-nine mark one-nine-nine. Once
- underway I want sensors and weapons control to probe the area until
- you find any trace of that ship." She waited until all three
- commands had been laid in to the various stations.
- "Execute." She snapped.
- The warship made a graceful turn and dive at which it leapt into warp
- speed.